Tips for Introductory Resumé Writing Instruction

Based on workshops and one-on-one sessions with hundreds of students, we have compiled this list of tips for teachers who are introducing resumé writing to students who are new to the process.

Access the resources mentioned below in the Resources Sidebar on our Resumé and Cover Letter page.

  1. Start with a discussion of the purpose of resumés:
  • What is a resumé?
  • Why is this such a valued tool for employers when they are hiring employees?
  • What information is included in an effective resumé for someone your age?
  • What are the do’s and don’ts of resumé creation?

2. Use the Resumé Sample-Template and Resumé Tips (in the sidebar of Resumé and Cover Letters) documents to introduce what a simple and effective resumés should look like.

3. Highlight that the process of assembling a resumé takes time (deciding on content, perfecting the wording, formatting, and editing).

4. Even if your students’ final product will be created using an online template (e.g. myblueprint, Microsoft templates, etc.), have them create their own copy first. This process will help them think critically about future resumé creation, including the pros and cons of online templates.

               Consideration for online template creation:

  • Is the content cluttered?
  • Is it very easy to read, or does a person’s eye have to bounce around the page?
  • Is any colour on the document tasteful? (Black and white is fine)
  • Is the template free?
  • Is the font size consistent and effective? (e.g. Do the headings stand out?)

5. Use the Resumé Rough Draft Worksheet and Resumé Sample-Template (in the sidebar of Resumé and Cover Letters) document for students to fill in their content.

6. If students lack work experience, have them consider odd jobs, volunteer work, and other supervised tasks that they have completed. Also, encourage them not to undersell their skills and school experiences. Basic computer skills, languages, certificates, and classes they are interested and/or excel in can be included! (See Resumé Tips for High School Students article for more info)

7. There are more articles on the Resumé and Cover Letter page should you need to supplement learning further.

8. Use the Resumé Checklist for each student to get feedback from a peer and/or parent or guardian. It can also be used as a self-assessment tool.

9. If you would like a presenter to help introduce content, answer questions, or offer feedback, please contact the Saskatoon Industry Education Council to discuss options! Email [email protected]
