
All the resources shared on Contact 360


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Resources to help you on your career journey! Job search tools, post-secondary information, hot careers and current trends

Job Seekers

Job search tools, current trends in the Saskatchewan labour market and career development resources


Connections to curricular outcomes and classroom resources along with professional development opportunities

Career Practitioners

Career development resources to use with clients along with development opportunities

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Relevance Magazine

Job Chart 2023


Career Talks

Financial Literacy

Career Month

Labour Market Information

Publications & Podcasts

Post-Secondary Institutes

SIEC Career Programming

Latest Resources

Students and Job Seekers can use this excellent Career Month resource to help find a job that suits them and their skills.

Learn about the three stages of transition during an unplanned career change and how to start planning to move forward.

Find updated employment forecasts for the Canadian digital economy including six innovation areas to 2025.

Find information about stress, check your stress levels and find tips to reduce stress,  and discover strategies to cope in the workplace.

Learn about the types of skills and find a practical worksheet to select skills in ten skill theme areas based on level of competence and interest.

Find a practical worksheet to identify transferable skills for your job search or career planning.

Tips, tricks and templates for delegators.  What you need to know about the importance of delegation and how it can lead to success in your career path.

Learn how to assess what you want and how to prepare for your next key career moment.

Find resources that demonstrate the value of micro-credentials as well as help jobseekers and career practitioners understand how micro-credentials can benefit employees and employers.

Canadian findings on the future of work on the impact
of digital transformation on work into very concrete
and immediately relevant issues.  A report from the Information & Communication Technology Council (ICTC).

Learn more about The National Competency Profile for Career Development Professionals (CDPs) and the competencies describing effective performance, knowledge, understanding and abilities for CDPs.