Labour Market Information
Educators Resources
The potential lack of skilled tradespeople in Canada is not a new story, but the stakes are increasing as recruitment isn’t keeping pace with demand. A virtual panel discussion featuring industry and community voices addressed key barriers and ideas for closing the gap.
Find updated employment forecasts for the Canadian digital economy including six innovation areas to 2025.
Find three ways Labour Market Information can support education and career decisions, and how to find these important resources and tools.
Learn how to assess what you want and how to prepare for your next key career moment.
Canadian findings on the future of work on the impact
of digital transformation on work into very concrete
and immediately relevant issues. A report from the Information & Communication Technology Council (ICTC).
Learn about the types of support that Indigenous entrepreneurs need to be successful.
Find out about rapid growth occupations and the skills needed for the clean economy.
Learn how STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) skills can help Indigenous Workers adapt.
Five surprising insights about work, technology and skills. A commentary and video by Jim Stanford, Economist and Director of The Centre for Future of Work.
Trends for the workplace of the future. Information and tips on preparing for jobs that don’t exist, yet….
A Brookfield Institute Report: Find information on job growth & decline; skills and abilities of importance; the needs and realities of different workers, and more…
Building a learning nation in the face of change and what that means for job prospects; and how to support people to develop the skills needed to succeed.